Event Types

Our Tango lessons in Reading are on Tuesday evenings at St Luke's Parish Hall in Erleigh Road. It is easy to find, and has a great atmosphere.

Do you want to learn to dance Tango? If you're unsure about your ability to dance but would love to be able to partner dance, if you've been amazed watching Tango dancers, or if you just want to try out a new dance-form, this is the perfect opportunity! The classes are fun and an accessible introduction to Tango for anyone.


doors open 8.00pm
lesson 1 (Fundamentals) 8.15pm
lesson 2 (improvers) 9.25pm



Events in this series
There are no future events in this series.








Welcome to Tango Timetable!

Tango Timetable is dedicated to helping members of the Tango community discover and organise events.

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For Dancers

Our calendar provides a local view of events anywhere in the world powered by location based searching. So if you want to find out about events in your area or the next place you are travelling to, go have a look!

For Organisers

Tango Timetable allows you to register your organisation and manage your events for free. Build your community by sharing your events for Tango dancers everywhere to find and enjoy.

Look ahead to see upcoming events in the community and plan the perfect timing for your events to maximise attendance.

For Everyone

Feel free to check out the events on the calendar above and, if you'd like to contribute to the community or organise your own events, Sign Up for free.