El Corazon de Tangueras


poole, dorset, dorset, United Kingdom

El Corazon de Tangueras run two monthly milongas, mainly traditional golden age Music. Our Stockbridge milonga is a small intimate milonga on the Second Saturday of the month in Stockbridge town hall. Our Burley milonga, has been established over ten years and takes place in the depth of the New Forest in Hampshire, Known as Burley Corazon in a very magical place. We have a larger milonga at burley which runs from 2 until midnight and has well known DJ's and guest teachers.

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Upcoming Events

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Recent Events

Recent organisation activity:

  • El Corazon de Tangueras added new event Burley Springtime Double Milonga 6 years, 1 month ago
  • BrianC added El Corazon de Tangueras 6 years, 1 month ago
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