19:30 Sat, 3 Dec 2016 (Europe/London)
23:30 Sat, 3 Dec 2016 (Europe/London)
Jan (CCJive) and Ali (Viva Tango) proudly present
A gorgeous evening Milonga in the beautiful
Mereside Community Centre
Shrewsbury SY2 6LH
Saturday December 3rd 7.30pm-11.30pm
DJ: Ali Vale Music in traditional tandas with cortinas
Delectable dancing with refreshments, tea, coffee and cake
£10 per person BYOA
avtango@outlook.com janccjive@aol.co.uk
07891 688824 07725 669442
About the name: 'Bomboncito' is the name of a Tango and a diminutive of Bombon, which basically means 'little sweetie/chocolate'. It would be a term of affection, a guy calling his girl 'mi bomboncito'. Like us saying 'sweetie pie' or something similar!
£10 per person